
The first 3 rounds are obviously easy, but choosing which heroes to get ready for the 4th battle is very important. If you won 4th and the following rounds, it can greatly impact your mid game performance because of snowball effect.

Medic Center

Medic Center

This is the most commonly and the safest way to get a win for the 4th battle. Medic’s First Aid ability especially strong on early game as it would last so long and 300 HP in the opening is too much. If you put your Medic properly enough that it can heal 2 others heroes, you would definitely win this battle.

Marauder Blaster

The Blaster Synergy reduces all enemies’ ability resistances. In combination with heroes with incredible abilities (skills), this can make for some devastating hits. But after that first pick, it’s all luck of the draw and what you’re able to make of it. The Marauder’s Open Fire is also a very powerful skill in the opening that can crush the whole army if it is survive long enough to use it.

Quick 2 stars opening

If you are lucky enough to have a 2 stars hero on the very first 3 battle, then you obviously have a great chance to win the round regardless of what kind of composing the enemy using. However if they also get the same 2 stars as you, it is a big deal!

All of these technique can also be composed together to get a soon advantages in the opening phase.

Mid game

This is the most tactical phase of the game. You have a lot of decision to make and it mostly depend on which hero you got when the store refreshed. Here are the popular builds that the pros players often take out.

Summoner + Immortal

Immortal is a perfect tanking unit that it could swallow damage even it’s death. However, the Level 3 Immortal Synergy is wasteful because it wouldn’t last to 6s before dying. So you should only have 2 immortals and then focus on the summoner. This is a very strong composition but it could be countered easily by the assassin who can one (or more) shot on your vulnerable Summoners.

Insectoid Rush

Insectoid Rush

The Insectoid used to be ridiculously strong since the game first release. It synergy can make the army full of 3 stars heroes before 30 minutes of the game. However, these Insectoid heroes is not too strong and their synergy only helpful in the ready phase and can be considering useless in combat phase. However it is also a very fun strategy that you should try.

Beast Party

Beast Party

The Beast and Marine are the 2 specs that have the most heroes of the game. So having full of them is not too hard. Beast Synergy also work so well with other class based Synergy such as Assassin or Vanguard, which also taken by Beast heroes. Imagine you have 6 or 7 heroes with crazy attack speed, 450% critical damage and a bunch of armor to take them down. This army could be considered invincible!

Marine Fury

Marine Fury

Just like the Beast Party, but Marine Fury requires more step to make it undefeatable. The Marines cover so many classes in the game so that you can’t just put them in the front line and smashing the enemy. Furthermore, the marine main class is Longshot, which can be strong but week at the sametime. You have to be wisely put them in a position that it can fully empowered their skill, and choosing a suitable tanking hero to take care of the damages, such as Mech or Immortal would be a solution.

Remember to get 1 Walker in your army

Walker are such a strong Spec that every army should have one, especially when your are against a Vanguard composition which having a very high armor stat. Because Walker true damage synergy last as long as you got only 1 Walker on the field, remember keep them unique.

Late game

Late game phase is considered when there’s only half the players left on the battle. At the momment, you should already at level 7+. Althought this is an important phase of the game, what you should do is simply repeatly doing these stuff:

Late game losses are costly in terms of HP, so you need to take measures quickly.

Often, however, this wouldn’t be the case and the signal that the late game has come would be that other players are starting to defeat your mid-game army convincingly.

Use all of your gold to refreshing the shop. Finding for 3 stars heroes

This way you will find upgrades to your army as quickly as possible - reaching three stars on at least a few units and two stars on everything else is crucial. You will also find missing key pieces to your strategy (important legendary units, etc.). In harder games, you might not even have the luxury to get to 50 gold before you need to start spending on shop refreshes to search for units.

Don’t forget to try to reach lvl10

The final one or two bodies on the battlefield are important for their stats, but even more so for the synergies they can provide. If you are rich and can get to lvl10 early this will also increase your chances to get rare units. A two-star legendary shouldn’t be underestimated!

Nonetheless, if you’re desperate it is definitely possible to win a game on lvl9. If you don’t have powerful units on the bench, upgrading to lvl10 might be a very big cost that will cripple you more than it will help you - it might be a better decision to spend your gold in the shop to try to upgrade the units you already have.

What will help you decide whether to lvl-up or search for units is how well your army is doing against the enemy players. If you are winning comfortably, try to press that lvl-up button regularly so that you reach lvl10 before your opponents. If you are struggling, getting your army in order is a priority (of course, sometimes you need the extra slot more than you need new units because you have great units on the bench).