Form Change

If the number of allies ≤ that of enemies, Ironshell will retreat into his shell, becomes unable to attack and immune to stuns, petrifications and charms (Defend Form). In this form, Ironshell also gains bonus armor and ability damage resistance and taunts any enemy whose attack range covers it. Otherwise (the number of allies > that of enemies), Ironshell will revert into a smaller turtle and reduce his armor (Offend Form). In this form his attack can damage a rectangle area ahead.
Bonus Armor (Defend Form):
Bonus Ability Damage Resistance (Defend Form):
Armor Reduction (Offend Form):
Rectangle Area (Offend Form):
Damage Multiplier (Offend Form):
No one knows how long Ironshell will live. Thick Crystalcore deposited has been a natural museum. And time has taught him much about life. Therefore, when enemies outnumbers allies, he retreats, while secretly controls the battle; when allies outnumbers enemies, he will be back to the battle. Now this philosopher joins AoE battle.
- Ironshell will change his shape according to the number comparison of enemies and allies.
- Defend form enables him to become the only target of all enemies. This form makes him the tankiest heroes of the game.
- Offend form enables his base attack to transform to AoE attack. Because Ironshell base DPS is not so impressive, he’s not mainly use for this purpose.
- Using Ironshell in 10 battles and you will unlock a new avatar!
Level | 1 | Coin | 5 |
Attack Damage | 34 - 45 | Health | 1500 |
Attack Speed | 1.7s | Attack Range | 1 square |
Armor Debuff | 0 | Armor | 10 |
Ability Damage | 0% | Force Defense | 20.00% |
Critical Strike | 0% | Dodge | 0% |
Lifesteal | 0% | Health Regen | 0 |
Level | 2 | Coin | 15 |
Attack Damage | 68 - 91 | Health | 2600 |
Attack Speed | 1.7s | Attack Range | 1 square |
Armor Debuff | 0 | Armor | 10 |
Ability Damage | 0% | Force Defense | 20.00% |
Critical Strike | 0% | Dodge | 0% |
Lifesteal | 0% | Health Regen | 0 |
Level | 3 | Coin | 45 |
Attack Damage | 137 - 182 | Health | 4500 |
Attack Speed | 1.7s | Attack Range | 1 square |
Armor Debuff | 0 | Armor | 10 |
Ability Damage | 0% | Force Defense | 20.00% |
Critical Strike | 0% | Dodge | 0% |
Lifesteal | 0% | Health Regen | 0 |